
Checking new app update using Firebase Remote Config.

Step 1 :  Install the Firebase SDK  in your app, and be sure to add the dependency for Remote Config to your app-level  build.gradle  file as part of this step. compile '' Create a new project in firebase console and download google-services.json file  and put in your app src directory. Step 2 :  Go to<your-project-name>/config and create new parameter in config. Step 3 :  Create force-update checker interface. Here all fetching key should have same name as declared in the firebase console. Step 4 :  Add update check listener inside fragment or in your activity class, and call fetch method for fetching firebase config. Firebase Config Documentation

Dynamically create view

Step to create custom layout dynamically You need to either create android.widget. * ; from java or inflate view from already defined xml layout. Code to create view dynamically by creating View from android.widget : private void createTextView(){ TextView textView = new TextView(getApplicationContext()); textView.setText( "Dynamic Text" ); linearLayoutParent .addView(textView); //You can define setOnClickListener textView.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { } }); } Code to create view dynamically by inflating custom view from xml : private void addView(String data){ LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(Context. LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE ); //You can use this view to findViewById, setOnClickListener, setText etc; View view = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout. rowlayout , null , false ); //FindView using inflated v

Simple RecyclerView in Kotlin

Please check the code here :